Thursday, June 12, 2008

4th day at my new job

My New Cube, originally uploaded by deadlyicon.

Today is the 4th day at my new job and I'm really enjoying it. Last Monday I started a full time position at Vertical Response and I'm very happy i did. The working environment is surprisingly relaxed and stress free. (We'll see if I still feel that way come crunch time).

There are tons of benefits and perks. There would be more if I was a beer drinker. The pay is great, I get a company Macbook Pro, and possibly most importantly; Decent Fucking Internet Access!

I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to give up my life of independent-contractor-leaser but so far I'm glad I have. Plus as it turns out getting less then 7 hours of sleep a night and working 8 to 9 hour days has been surprisingly refreshing.

My life as a part time contractor with no real schedule resulted in almost an entire year of sub par productivity and now I feel like I'm getting away from that and doing much much more with my day. I would have though getting less sleep and working a full time shift would result in less non-work activity but i seem to be filling my non-work hours just fine. Plus less free time and more money makes for a much greater money-to-spend/hour ratio =D

The geeks here seem fun and just the source of nerd networking I was wanting. I had forgotten what it was like to work in what amounts to the nerd version of a locker room of jocks chest bumping each other to prove there masculinity. Nerdfrontations?

I really feel like I can fill a valuable position here while learning a lot of fun new skills. Skills that I'll need to move on to some of the more altruistic work I want to be doing. Plus I'm hoping Qarly and Jonathan are serious about teaching math to there friends. I'd really like to get my maths up to at least a high school level again.

Speaking of non-work / non-computer time productivity; its 6pm and I think I'm going to go get my hair cut.

p.s. does anyone freak'n read this blog? I moved from Tribe because well they are seriously falling behind in web technologies pulling a fucking myspace. seriously! I think most of my readers came from people seeing my blog when they we're surfing Tribe and no one sees my posts anymore. So if you are reading this please leave a comment so I know you're here.