Monday, April 28, 2008

Bicycle Day

This year's 'Bicycle Day' was wicked fun. It started out with me leaving Santa Rosa at like 5am on 4 hours of sleep just barley making it off the 80 in time to ride my ass to the CalTrain station but ended up having tons of time because Ian, knowing everyone would be late, lied about the train time and we all made it with plenty of time to spare. It was good plan.

Reed Found a RatWe got off somewhere in the Palo Alto and road around what used to be a dump which is now covered in dirt and looks like a vast bird preserve. At one point Reed and Colin road off down a no outlet trail and came back with a random Rat head. Which caused Rubin to say "What the fuck man!" like 40 times. Classic Rubin.

The weather could not have been more perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky and it was in the high 90s with the occasional pleasant warm wind. I thought I could get through the day without wearing any sun screen but it turns out I spent about 3 or 4 more hours then my computer nerd skin could take.

At one point we all stopped forever at the bathrooms when most people started to eat lunch and enjoy the shade. I and some other really wanted to keep riding so we just road around that area and had a blast flying down a fairly sized hill. I wish i knew the limits of the traction on my bike so i could confidently take corners more sharply.

After we left the reclaimed dump we road the surface streets toward Stanford. Sam, Reed, myself and a couple other people i don't know enough to remember there names got off track somehow and road over a pedestrian overpass which had an awesome chain-link fence obstacle course to encourage people to walk there bikes. It was a lot of run to navigate.

It took forever to regroup. It was amazing, even considering, that we we're incapable to using some of the most advanced consumer navigational technology and yet Ian had to physically come get us. Silly.

Once we got back to the Caltrain station we all got some yummi fruit and water and sat in a park for a few hours as the day faded away. A little more then half of the group decided to take off back to the north or east bay and the remaining group, including my self, road forth to Stanford to check out the campus art.

After checking out the Gates of Hell we gave Ian a silly birthday card that when you opened it a little girls voice said something to the effect of "I love you Mommy, have a happy day. beep beep" It was adorably retarted.

We left the campus, took caltrain back to SF. Reed, Rubin, Reed's brother and I broke off to stop by Rubin's office to get Reed's brothers bag. I learned that Rubin is working for startup which is pretty cool. Then we all headed over to mella and stopped off to get some bomb Mexican food first. Awesome salsa.

When I got back to Mella's house tons of people were there. I was exahsted and I feel alseep cuddeling with Qarly.

Yay awesome weekend.

Also, pictures, and more picture

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pangea Day

This May 10th at 18:00 GMT people all over the world will gather for 4 hours to watch 24 movies intended to, among other things, inspire empathy around the world. That's my interpretation anyway. I've heard a lot about this event over the past year, mostly form, so I'm really excited to see what films made it to the top. This is a sample video.

You can find out more information at

Also, if your planning on or interested in going leave me a comment or let me know because I'd love to get a huge group together at one venue.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I saw Tegan and Sara!

Last night I drove up to Davis with my room mate Ann and a random girl from OKCupid. I had an extra ticket so I searched for people who listed Tegan and Sara and found the highest match and I guess OKQ's system works because she turned out to be pretty awesome.

The show was a lot of fun. The girls create an environment that feels very personal and genuine. They definitely don't feel like there fame has gone to there head.

My favorite aspect of the show was the snippets of personalization they injected in between the songs. Sara, who is my favorite of the pair, shared some back stories to her songs that were adorably sarcastic. She even joked about her and Tegan getting naked and covering them selves in soap while washing a car which was brilliant in the context of the predominantly lesbian crowd.

I was surprised to hear the two don't live in the same city. Sara lives in Montreal and Tegan lives in B.C. I wonder how they find the time to collaborate on new songs. I wonder why they don't want to live closer to eath other. I would not be surprised if they don't get along incredibly well. There was certainly some not so playful bickering on stage.

I girls sisterly playfulness was definitely the highlight of the show which is funny because the first time Sara jumped into a story this girl behind me who decided to yell "Stop Talking!" which was just mindboggely rude and everyone around her made sure she knew that.

The show was awesome although I would have loved to see the girls in a more intimate setting like a coffee shop or something. I was also very disappointed they didn't play 'Monday, Monday, Monday' but they played ever other favorite song of mine.

If you've never heard of Tegan and Sara (who I like to call "Sara and sometimes also Tegan") there are some of my favorite songs on this playlist:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New and Improoved Blogatron

I have been less then satisfied with my blog for some time now and I've finally gotten around to moving to something a bit more feature rich. I'm hoping features like tags, full html posts and a GData API is enough to encourage me to post a bit more.

So yeah if you wanna keep reading my blog you can see it on my page but I will no longer be posting to my official blog. This new blog can be seen at or and of course you can subscript to the rss feed.

Also some cold Lions